Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

Tips Mudah Mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris


Anda sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris?

Dalam belajar bahasa inggris seringkali kita dibuat pusing dalam mengingat Grammar (structure) dan menerapkannya dalam kalimat secara tepat. Di sini saya mau coba sharing tips memahami grammar dengan mudah dan tidak njlimet. Langsung saja kita bahas tenses yang sering bikin pusing itu (12 tenses yang sering dipakai). Caranya adalah kita buat matriks seperti tabel di bawah ini :

ContinuousPast ContinuousPresent ContinuousFuture Continuous
PerfectPast PerfectPresent PerfectFuture Perfect
Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous
Future Perfect Continuous

Contoh penerapannya adalah sebagai berikut:

SimpleShe sang a songShe sings a songShe will sing a song
ContinuousShe was singingShe is singingShe will be singing
PerfectShe had sungShe has sungShe will have sung
Perfect ContinuousShe had been singing
She has been singing
She will have been singing

1) All Simple use Verb 1 / Verb 2
2) All Future use will
3) All Continuous use to be
4) All Perfect use had/has/have + Verb 3
5) All Perfect Continuous use had/has/have + been + Verb-ing

Simplifying Tenses

The difference between one activity and two activities:
1) One activity --> "Simple"

2) Two activities : 

(a) At the same time --> "Continuous" vs "Simple" (Here, the longer action is "Continuous"} 

e.g. : I was watching television when she knocked my door last night.

(b) At sequence --> "Perfect" vs "Simple"(Here, the longer action is "Perfect")

e.g. :

- I will have finished my report when my boss arrives tomorrow.

- She had studied Japanese language before she went to Tokyo in 2008.

Bagaimana setelah memahami pembahasaanya ? apakah sudah membantu anda ??

Good luck!Hopefully you will not be confused anymore on Grammar.

Semoga Bahasa Inggris Anda semakin lancar.

*dikutip dari beberapa sumber di Internet

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